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Aperto da Briseide, Marzo 22, 2013, 02:01:12 PM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva


Gli Oasis sono stati un gruppo rock britannico formatosi a Manchester nel 1991 e attivo fino al 2009. Una delle band più note e di successo del rock e, in particolare, del britpop, movimento di cui figurano tra i pionieri, gli Oasis hanno pubblicato in totale 11 album.
La loro musica, a metà tra il rock anni settanta e il rock and roll, al tempo stesso ruvida e melodica, ha saputo dare un nuovo significato al termine britpop, mentre i loro continui litigi e il loro atteggiamento talvolta bizzoso e rude sono stati oggetto di un'attenzione crescente da parte dei media.
I fratelli Gallagher sono gli unici membri della formazione originaria che vi hanno fatto parte fino al 2009.
Nel 1991 a Manchester si costituirono i Rain: Liam Gallagher (voce), Paul Arthurs (chitarra), Paul McGuigan (basso) e Tony McCarroll (batteria). Poco dopo ai quattro si aggregò Noel (chitarra e voce) e Liam suggerì il nuovo nome.

A me piacciono tantissimo i loro testi!

Don't Look Back In Anger.

Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
All the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away

So I start the revolution from my bed
'Cos you said the brains I have went to my head
Step outside the summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I hear you say

Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows if it's night or day
Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away

Got I start the revolution from my bed
'Couse you said the brains I have went to my head
Step outside 'couse summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
'Couse you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as she's walking on by
My soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I hear you say

Don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
At least not today.


Stand by me.

Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday
I've, Got a lot of things to learn
Said I would and I believe in one day
Before my heart starts to burn

So whats the matter with you
Sing me something new
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go, away

Times are hard when things have got no meaning
I've found a key upon the floor
Maybe you and I will not believe in
The thing we find behind the door

So whats the matter with you
Sing me something new
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away

Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows
Yeah nobody knows
The way it's gonna be

If your leaving will you take me with you
I'm tired of talking on my phone
There is one thing I can never give you
My heart will never be your home

So whats the matter with you
Sing me something new
Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go, away

Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows, Yeah nobody knows
The way it's gonna be

The way it's gonna be, yeah
Maybe I can see, yeah
But don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go, away

Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand By Me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand by me
Nobody knows
Yeah God only knows
The way it's gonna be.